Let's Grow! Teams and individuals taking part in the Movember Challenge should arrange to have their 'Before' pictures taken today, so they have a 'clean sheet' ready for November's growing.
So far we have participants from:
- NAC - The NAC Banditos
- Trade Marketing - Matt Piper and Tim Edridge
- Since writing about Matt and Tim, they've been joined by six of their Trade Marketing colleagues - Neil Davies, Andy Dunkerley, Rob Mackenzie, Jas Rehal, Nick Scraggs, and Darrell Stead
- Add you or your team's details here by completing a Publicity Form. NB this will kick-start your fundraising with a £20 donation!
At the time of writing, fundraising is already underway (over £100 and counting), even though it's not quite November yet :)
We'll be back soon to see how everyone's growing!
I hope Movember doesn't prove a ticklish challenge. I wonder if anyone else from Smith News is joining you?