They take up the story:
Our Macmillan Coffee Morning was a great success! The the ladies in our Blue Apple staff canteen very kindly offered free tea and coffee to those who donated or bought some cake during the morning (although the cake sales went on right through the afternoon!)
Staff at Wakefield House baked some amazing cakes, so we offered tasters and asked people to vote on which was their favourite! The winner was Nic Hewlett and her A-MAZ-ING ‘Chocolate Brooklyn Blackout’ cake. Nic won a bottle of wine and the baking Queen crown :) Unfortunately it sold out too quickly to even get a photo!
Around 70 staff took part and helped raise a grand total of £64.08; enough to pay for a specialist Macmillan nurse for nearly three hours.
Mmmm - forget The Great British Bake Off, that cake sounds scrummy! Can we have the recipe please? ;)
**News Flash**
Bertrams also held a Macmillan Coffee Morning and HR's Frances Plant brings us further news:
Thank you for everyone’s support in the Macmillian Coffee morning on Friday. With late notice of our cake bake, we still managed to have a fabulous range of home cooked cakes on offer and they certainly sold really well.
I am delighted to confirm that we raised a total of £119.55.
In addition those in Rushden held their cake and bake on Monday this week and raised a further £52.50
Our total therefore being £172.05
It seems the route to the heart of good fund raising is through our stomachs. Especially if it involves cake :)