[caption id="attachment_4175" align="alignleft" width="640"] Judy Read, Cayleb Needham, Sally (St David’s representative) and Andrew Herbert[/caption]
We have further news from one of our From S to N cycle riders! Newport House's Cayleb Needham recently presented the cheque for the monies raised to his chosen charity St David's Foundation. Andrew Herbert also gave a bottle of whisky as a raffle prize for a local event the foundation is holding on Friday. Cayleb raised over £800 for St David's who provide local hospice care.
It's great to hear news of the contact you've made with the charities you've been raising funds for. Any stories you have of cheque presentations, follow-up visits or how your chosen charity is using the monies raised are always welcome :)
It's always heart warming to hear news of presentations made to the charities we support through Community Week.