Last Wednesday (23rd May) Wednesbury's managers became living targets for a fun 'Sponge the Boss' day.
There were 5 managers for staff to choose from - these were:
[caption id="attachment_3045" align="alignright" width="300"]
- Paul Tucknutt, House manager
- Phil Hancher, Customer serves manager
- Danny Wright, Deputy day-pack manager
- Chris Jones, Returns manager
- Scott Graham, Distribution manager
Stan Wilkinson, from Shrewsbury House was visiting Wednesbury at the time. He gamely joined in too and was targeted with his share of wet sponges. There's nothing like a spot of inter-house fun!
A funtastic £83.00 was raised for Wednesbury's nominated charities. Another date is planned for the near future ;)
Judging by how wet the road looks in the photos, this was a popular activity!
I wonder who was 'treated' to the most sponges?