Monday, 28 May 2012

Quizzes and Cake Make for the Perfect Friday

[caption id="attachment_3015" align="alignleft" width="300"] A variety of cupcakes were on offer[/caption]

More great fundraising efforts from everyone at Wakefield House!

On May 18th they held a ‘Pay Day Quiz’ and a Cake Sale. This was in aid of The Swindon Downs Syndrome Group, Brett Hanley’s chosen charity for the From S to N Bike Ride.

The Pay Day Quiz involved teams from within Wakefield House paying £5 per team to enter and winning 50% back (the other 50% went to charity). However, the winning team kindly donated their winnings to charity, bringing the total fundraising to £87. Great work!

[caption id="attachment_3016" align="alignleft" width="300"] This is just the photo - imagine what the real thing must have been like![/caption]

In addition the ‘Ladies who lunch’ (in Wakefield House kitchen that is!) donated cakes for an extra feel good dimension to the day. I hear banana muffins were also on offer, but instead I’ve had to make do with this picture of an AMAZING strawberry and clotted cream cheesecake instead.

This sold out in a matter of minutes!


  1. That cheesecake was amazing!! I had to share my piece with a friend or she'd have missed out... :-)

  2. Jen - welcome! It does look rather wonderful :)

  3. Mark Cashmore, Chief Executive17 June 2012 at 06:01

    That's a truly mouthwatering effort. I'm sure it was enjoyed by everyone!
