Friday, 18 May 2012

Croydon's Themed Bake-off

Croydon House got fully into the spirit of this year's major events as well as Community Week with their themed  bake-off last Tuesday.

All manner of cakes and savouries sporting Olympic styling or crowned with a hint of Diamond Jubilee were brought in by staff to raise a total of £60.78 for their chosen charity, Newstraid.

The above picture shows it was a fantastic effort by all with plenty of eye catching ideas and attention to detail. A special mention goes to Ruba from NRS for her Olympic Cake. It looks far too good to cut into Ruba!

Mmmm is there just one cupcake left over for me? *hopeful face*

1 comment:

  1. Mark Cashmore, Chief Executive17 June 2012 at 05:53

    What a fantastic effort - that Olympic logo cake looks too good to eat
