Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Reading Are Multitasking

Reading House have news of two fundraising activities so far this year, held in January and also earlier this month.

Graham Adlington (Facilities Manager), Sam Canido (Day Pack Manager) and Amy Davidson (Deputy Customer service Manager) have got together to organise Dress Down/Car Wash/Cake Sale days in aid of Cancer Research and Stroke Care.

They've chosen these charities because of staff  and relations who have/had cancer and also Stroke Care has given continuous support to an ex-employee (Dini Letterio).

A total of of £322.50 has been raised so far to be split £180.00 for Cancer Research and £142.50  for Stroke Care.

1 comment:

  1. Mark Cashmore, Chief Executive7 May 2012 at 13:48

    Nice to see a lot of different events going on for your fundraising activities.
