Thursday, 12 April 2012

Jumping For Ava

We have an update from Newcastle House about Martin Cooke's fundraiser day held at the end of March for his niece Ava Bainbridge.You may have seen her story on The One Show recently.

Ava contracted meningococcal  septicaemia (a form of meningitis) at the age of 13 months and the family were advised it would be 50:50 she would survive. She did,  however, she lost 75% of one foot and 50% of another.

So Martin arranged for a fun family day at The Springwell Inn at Wrekenton, near Gateshead complete with a bouncy castle, raffles and bungee jumping! Despite the horribly dark and cold day, around 50 people attended, including 15 bungee jumpers. So far Martin has raised £2,000 to help buy some special prosthetic feet for Ava.

The short slideshow below shows Ava and also gives a flavour of what happened on the day...



  1. Chris Etherington12 April 2012 at 03:36

    Good fun day out and pleased we raised money for Ava.
    Well done Martin

  2. Mark Cashmore, Chief Executive23 April 2012 at 06:04

    There were 15 very brave people on the day all jumping for Ava, well done
