NAC's Tina Cronin and Chloe Webb encouraged everyone at NAC and BLS recently to clear out their wardrobes to make way for spring with their Cash4Clothes Collection.
Pictured are 4 of NAC's Community Group: at the back is Chloe Webb to the left and Vicky Rhodes. In the front are Sharon Farkas with Jackie Atkinson on the right.
Tina and Chloe report:
In just one week we have collected a total of 430kg of clothes. The collected items are used by the charity Aid2Africa who help to improve the lives of the children of Africa. The cash we receive is being paid to our nominated charities, The Cancer Support Centre and SACAR. So many people benefit from this event, including those people with much clearer cupboards at home.
Everyone from the NAC and BLS were invited to take part. Our cleaners also brought in donations so it really was a team effort.
Our target was to raise £200 and we actually received £230.50.
Sounds like it was a win-win all round!
This is a very neat idea which allowed more than one charity to benefit from your efforts.