Monday, 3 June 2013

The Wheeler Dealers Make It!

[caption id="attachment_5805" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Left to right: Graham Armstong, Norman Cooke, Rob Stevenson, Sam Jama, Stephen Clark, Kev Graham, Fred_Napier, Richie Graham Journey's end - well done lads, next stop PARIS! Left to right: Graham Armstrong, Norman Cooke, Rob Stevenson, Sam Jama, Stephen Clark, Kev Graham, Fred Napier, Richie Graham[/caption]

Howay the lads! Our intrepid Wheeler Dealers from Newcastle House have successfully completed their Coast to Coast cycle ride :)

[caption id="attachment_5806" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Hats on,  shorts on - they're ready for the off! Hats on, shorts on - they're ready for the off![/caption]

Carol inglis reports:

‘It was an extremely eventful weekend for our intrepid Wheeler Dealers.  They had to ride through heavy downpours and unexpectedly deep puddles.

[caption id="attachment_5807" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Just_one_of_many_minor_puddles!_(3)[1] Just one of many minor puddles![/caption]

[caption id="attachment_5810" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Uh oh, it's looking serious! Uh oh, it's looking serious![/caption]

Kevin took some great photos, and I believe he got engaged to one of the sheep that kept getting into his pictures.  They were glad when they reached the hotel that night, and under protest, had a few bevvies to keep out the chill.  The next day was better and they reached Tynemouth without mishap.  A fantastic achievement by all, and special thanks to Scott, Rob and Keith for supporting them’.

[caption id="attachment_5808" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Robs_version_of_a_CHAD_(3)[1] Rob's version of a CHAD[/caption]

Fred will be taking part in the Paris to Swindon ride in September, so please keep those donations coming in. The total so far is £840 from online and in-house donations.

[caption id="attachment_5809" align="aligncenter" width="640"]Still laughing after torrential rain all day Still laughing after torrential rain all day[/caption]

1 comment:

  1. An excellent team eaffort and I'm delighted to see Fred is joining the Paris to Swindon Bike Ride.
