First up is Rachel Varney's much-loved pug, Stanley.
And to round things off nicely, here's some more about the twosome who launched our look at the pampered pets of Smiths News...
Skimble likes feet, the colour red, chasing laser pointer dots and the elastic bands the postie leaves around. Jess likes posing as the Felix cat, cheese and sitting on heads - particularly when they're asleep!
In case you missed them, here's the links to our previous parades of pets:
- Week one - Misty, Pippa, Tom, Rosie and Smokey
- Week two - Lexie, Fred and Ty
- Week three - Archie
Thanks to everyone who took part, it was a great to have such a cheerful start to every week in April!
I am very disappointed that I sent pictures of my 3 dogs and they were not shown.
Sue Lamming
01752 331154
Sue - good to see you've spotted the starring role for your three already :)