Bertram's Jemma Clark and The Consortium's Kim Valentine have given us a quick update on how they fared in last Sunday's London Marathon...
Kim said:
My time was 5 hours, 13 mins and so far I have raised £604 and there is still a bit more to go on. I am so pleased that I have been able to contribute to helping the charity [West Wiltshire Special Needs Activity Scheme].
Jemma says of her first London Marathon...
I made it to the 14 mile mark at around 3 hours 20 on Sunday, was a great experience and I enjoyed it a lot! Feeling the pain now though!
Overall I have raised almost £600 [for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People - Ed] and still have a few people donating.
Reflecting further on her experience Jemma says she did a lot better than she expected, so well done!
Thinking about the event, Kim added:
The day itself was brilliant the weather was great, although a little warm. There was a real show of solidarity with the runners and the crowds who cheered you on the 26.2 miles.
It’s strange that on the day you forget how gruelling the training has been and how awful the weather was when you are pounding the pavements at 6.00am in the morning. You just get out there and enjoy the atmosphere and the experience.
Well done both.