Monday, 13 August 2012

Sue Takes a Midnight Walk

Not content with helping clear the garden and play areas at the Beckley Centre, described in Dispatches last week, Plymouth's Sue Lamming also took part in the Ladies Midnight Walk in Plymouth at the end of July.

She walked in aid of Saint Lukes Hospice, raising £146 in sponsorship in the process. Sue said:

They were amazing when my brother-in-law needed them and I want to help keep them going for any other person that also may need their help.

In describing the walk, Sue added:

There was a 7 mile, 13 mile, 26 mile and to commemorate 30 years in Plymouth they also had a 30 mile walk!  I have previously done the 13 mile midnight walk but this year my poor feet just couldn’t take it so I opted for the 7 mile and as in previous years Barney one of my schnauzers came with me and we both got medals.  It never ceases to amaze me how many people who come out to line the route in support all the way round people cheer, it is a very humbling experience.

1 comment:

  1. Mark Cashmore, Chief Executive22 August 2012 at 02:52

    You’ve been very busy Sue. I’m sure Barney enjoyed his walk.
