Thursday, 2 August 2012

Michael's Olympics: Awesome Silver!

What an amazing race! It took a world champion and a world record to beat Michael last night. He DID swim the race of his life, storming back in the final length to almost snatch the title from Daniel Gyurta's grasp. Gyurta is renowned for his speed over the final length, so for Michael to take half a second off him over that distance, shows what class he has.

He broke the British record again by a massive margin and was also inside the Olympic record set in Beijing. Phenomenal racing!

In the post race interview Michael said:

I was desperate to get on the podium to repay the faith and support I've had... I can't believe it, I'm so delighted.

I'm sure everyone at Smiths News is delighted too!

NB If you missed last night's race or wish to savour it again, here's the last 125 metres or so - there's a brief glimpse of Jackie Jamieson plus lots of supporters in #TeamJamieson T-shirts at the end!

And here's his post race interview :)

1 comment:

  1. Mark Cashmore, Chief Executive3 August 2012 at 01:06

    Congratulations Michael on your achievement. It was a spectacular race and the sound of the crowd roaring you home on the final length was phenomenal.
