His book Counting Steps was published last year and was nominated for Welsh Book of the Year. Not bad for a debut!
This week Cinnamon Press - the book’s publisher - are offering Kindle readers the opportunity to read Mark’s book for free!
There are no gimmicks, no catches - just a free download instead of the usual £4.49. There's even an extract to read online.
Click here for free kindle download of Counting Steps, or forward this link to yourself, where you can do this later!
Next week it will be at the bargain price of £1.59 and then it goes back up to £4.49.
Giving away free copies might seem counter intuitive, but it's an established, if costly, technique that publishers use to rise up the rankings - and the impact on later sales is evidently positive. It costs publishers a lot to do this...
Note: Mark has also donated all his royalties and tutoring fees to good causes such as the National Autistic Society. For the past two years he’s also volunteered to tutor at the National Writers' Centre of Wales.
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