Thursday, 17 October 2013

Latest News from LTN

LTN's Terry Skipsey has been in touch with news of a couple of fundraising activities they've held over the past few weeks...

Sadly, John Paice, one of our night drivers passed away on 26th August. He had been suffering from lung cancer for some time and had been off on sick leave since September 2012. He had expressed wishes for no flowers at his funeral. A staff collection was made and a donation of £140 to Macmillan nurses has been made.

Terry has also organised an annual golf event for the past 5 years in memory of his late father, who died 8 years ago. The event grows every year and this year's was the biggest yet...

This year, 73 golfers made up of family, friends & colleagues attended Surrey Downs Golf Club on Monday 9th September. 27 holes of golf & an evening presentation hosted by family friend Ron ‘Chopper’ Harris with his many football stories and comedian Mickey Pugh ensured that a good time was had by all. A raffle & number of auction items raised £400 for the Royal Marsden Hospital in Sutton. A further £120 was raised  for the Stacey Mowle appeal by pre-selling ‘Mulligan’  golf shots for £5.00  each,  before the main afternoon round commenced.

Thanks for the update Terry, and do send our best wishes to John Paice's family.

NB If you've organised an event recently which you'd like featured on Community Link-Up, we'd love to hear from you! Don't forget, there's an extra £20 donation for your good cause if you do.

1 comment:

  1. Mark Cashmore, Chief Executive21 October 2013 at 07:10

    My condolences to John Paice's family.
