Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Steve Rides a Ton

Steve Benson Manchester-20130901-00046Stockport's Steve Benson has been in touch to report on how his Manchester 100 bike ride went earlier this month. He's also kindly provided photographic evidence of what must have been quite a poignant day for him.

"Picture attached from September 1st's Manchester 100k. I did this with Mike Makinson.

In total, so far, I have raised almost £900.00 for Cancer Research at The Christie Cancer Unit in Manchester who looked after my Mam.  Will have a final figure in the next few days.

Thanks so much for all your support."

I hear Mike reported a bit of a stiff knee the day after the ride and was limping around the office! Here's hoping that niggle and any after effects Steve didn't tell us about have now abated. A little bird also tells me both are hoping to continue to train together, so it's good to hear of something positive happening as a result of this sad time.

Over 2,000 riders took part in this event, which was held on a warm and sunny day, perfect for cycling. Next year's event will again be held in early September, with the actual date awaiting confirmation. In the meantime, you can sign-up for The Christie's reminder service if you're interested in taking part next year.

1 comment:

  1. Mark Cashmore, Chief Executive18 September 2013 at 09:03

    Congratulations Steve on completing the ride and raising such an impressive sum.
