"Picture attached from September 1st's Manchester 100k. I did this with Mike Makinson.
In total, so far, I have raised almost £900.00 for Cancer Research at The Christie Cancer Unit in Manchester who looked after my Mam. Will have a final figure in the next few days.
Thanks so much for all your support."
I hear Mike reported a bit of a stiff knee the day after the ride and was limping around the office! Here's hoping that niggle and any after effects Steve didn't tell us about have now abated. A little bird also tells me both are hoping to continue to train together, so it's good to hear of something positive happening as a result of this sad time.
Over 2,000 riders took part in this event, which was held on a warm and sunny day, perfect for cycling. Next year's event will again be held in early September, with the actual date awaiting confirmation. In the meantime, you can sign-up for The Christie's reminder service if you're interested in taking part next year.
Congratulations Steve on completing the ride and raising such an impressive sum.