We have news of the latest participant in The Race For Life! As well as telling Amita Erda's story, it's an ideal opportunity to give you an update on the "running total" of the funds raised across all the Race for Life stories we've reported on so far.
Amita is Peterborough House's Waster Tracker and took part in her local Race for Life event at Ferry Meadows on July 9th. She has elected to divide the £243.00 she raised between Cancer Research and Sue Ryder.
For those of you who don't know, Sue Ryder is a national charity providing health and social care in local communities, including palliative end of life care. Now in their 60th year, they are seeking to broaden awareness of their services, at a time when there's an increasing focus on care in the community.
Now, how are Smiths News doing with their running and raising funds via the Race for Life? We've had reports from 5 locations so far (Stockport, Slough, Borehamwood and Swindon as well as Amita), who between them have raised in excess of £2,844.94! Looking at the Just Giving Pages links given in their reports, I see Borehamwood have added to their total originally reported, and Swindon have now exceeded their £500 target :)
In other news we also have an update from the Smiths News WHC Ramblers! Maria Ogbourne reports: "We’ve smashed our fundraising target of £500, raising £825 which increases to £1000.75 with gift aid. This definitely makes that walk in very hot conditions worthwhile; thank you.".
An amazing effort and fine totals raised for both charities from across Smiths News. Well done.