The weather forecast was mixed for the day, starting off cooler than the previous day and with a possibility that we might hit some rain spots before the day was out.
Starting from Banbury we headed across to county of Warwickshire crossing the Oxford Canal, having a good 'try' at getting around Rugby and heading past the outskirts of Leicester, avoiding most of the main roads and continuing with the path which set us on some quiet and peaceful country roads.
At one point on the journey, the road was blocked by three different 5 bar steel gates. Opening the gates takes you through a narrow strip of road across a farmer’s field which you have to pick your way through avoiding the kamikaze sheep darting out in front of you.
Continuing with the ride, most people are now getting settled into the pace which is now floating around an average of 15-20 mph, although with a tail wind today’s journey may have been slightly faster for some.
The lunch stop was due to be in the village of Desford, but after a quick glance around, we didn’t see anywhere for us all to stop, so instead we headed towards the Desford Bird Centre. Surprisingly may of the parrots are uncaged and have freedom to fly around wherever they wish. One parrot landed on the wire of a telegraph pole just above causing us to quickly clear the area just in case he left any messages for us.
We continued our journey towards Nottingham heading round the east of the city, avoiding the traffic in the centre of town and heading towards the premier inn at the north of the city, again avoiding many of the main roads where possible, although we witnessed a couple of police cars chasing what we assumed was probably a stolen car.
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Although I talk a lot about food, Mark Charlton was quite keen on letting you know that food is very important and necessary for us .
On Wednesday, we increase the daily mileage once again and look forward to crossing the Humber Bridge at the end of the ride – let’s just hope the weather is going to be good enough for us to appreciate the views.
Rugby sounds like it is more difficult to navigate around than the Magic Roundabout - sounds like there's a tale for you to tell Ian!