Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Brislington Open Day Gathers Some Cash

[caption id="attachment_2265" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Touring the depot"][/caption]

A joint open day with the NFRN at the Brislington depot at the end of February was the ideal opportunity for a spot of light fundraising. Independent retailers from Bristol, Swindon, Taunton and Yeovil toured the depot and met with staff and key suppliers.

£81 was donated by staff and visitors on the day. The money raised will be split between the depot’s three chosen charities: Brislington Cancer Research, Cots for Tots and a local  donkey sanctuary.

1 comment:

  1. Mark Cashmore, Chief Executive16 March 2012 at 04:33

    Great way for us to promote Community Week outside of the company.
