In the Pink
[caption id="attachment_1409" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Pink, pink sunshine brightens up Wakefield House"]
The girls in the new selling point team (NSP) showed their support for Breast Cancer Awareness on 28 October by holding a pink day – which is exactly what it sounds like! The team dressed up in pink and encouraged everyone else to do the same, paying £1 to wear
something pink.
The events included morning coffee and tea for everyone at Wakefield House. Employees took part in a raffle, guessed the number of sweets in a jar, and had their nails painted – pink, of course! There was even the chance to play a slightly dodgy version of
Pin the tail on the Donkey, involving a bra. We’ll leave the rest to your imagination!
£300 was raised – nice work, ladies!
Dressing down for charity
There was a relaxed atmosphere in Reading House on 28 October, as everyone enjoyed a Dress-Down Friday in aid of Breast Cancer Research. All comfy-clothes-wearing required a £1 donation. The day was a great success, with everyone pitching in to raise even more money during the day.
Louise Blake, from Customer Service, sold delicious homemade cakes, which went down a treat. “We also held a raffle,” says Carly Hughes, Customer Service Manager, “and we raised money by washing cars.” A sealed-bid charity auction completed the event – congratulations to top bidder Steve Drew, Reading Returns Manager, who netted himself a rather stylish Claude Valentini watch. We’re sure he’ll be showing it off around Reading House over the coming weeks!
A nice variety of ideas helping to raise awareness and funds for an important cause. Well done ladies.