Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Wembley Winners

To kick-off the post-Christmas slump, here's a tale of sporting achievement from October's Dispatches...

[caption id="attachment_1339" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Steve (far right) and the team celebrate their success"]Wembley Winners[/caption]

Steve Edwards, House Manager at Lancing, fulfilled a lifelong dream by leading a team to victory at Wembley* in the recent Newstraid (Key Group) 5-a-side football tournament. The victory was a family affair as the line-up included three of Steve’s sons, Sam, 21, Jake, 19, and Callam, 15.

To be honest, I didn’t kick a ball, said Steve, I am no way skilful enough. I just gave
instructions from the sidelines!

The Lancing side had to win seven games to win the tournament and beat Comag 1-0 in the final. Most importantly, the team’s efforts raised £150 for charity.

* = A sports centre somewhere in Wembley, admitted Steve, not the Wembley Stadium. ;)

A fantastic total - it would be great to know which charity benefitted from all your efforts, Steve. If anyone reading this knows, please leave a comment below.

1 comment:

  1. Well done. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.
