Nora Roth, Wakefield House, PA to Jonathan Bunting, ran a Race for Life recently and raised a fantastic £256 for Cancer Research UK. Nora tells us how she got on:
"Well I managed to complete the 5k course in Salisbury with my niece Lindsay, my sister-in-law Adie and the rest of team “Miss Chris”. We jogged/walked the course in quite a respectable time I thought, of around 45 mins. It was a boiling hot day and no training or preparation took place before hand. Well that’s not strictly true as 2 days before the event I decided to get my feet in shape for the race and give them a “home” pedicure!! Big mistake, as I managed to gouge a big chunk out of my heel which wouldn’t stop bleeding and needless to say, a bit sore!
Anyway, the important news is that with your support and generosity we have raised a brilliant £256 for Cancer Research UK. Thanks to everyone for their donations."
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